Welcome to the 2016/17 Series! Once again we are offering five entertaining concerts designed to stimulate your appetite for music as well as relax you for the weekend. As with every year, artists from the Kingston area and guests from further away share their talent and passion in five concerts encompassing: vocal, piano, jazz, and wind music.
From October to May, you can experience the joy of live performance in a variety of genres – for one incredible price!
October 21st –The word is LOVE! a concert of tunes with ‘Love’ in the title. How many can you name? Chris Alfano (clarinet), Paul Clifford (bass) and new to the series, Paul Morrison (piano)
November 25th – Michel! Solo! Our favourite collaborative pianist Michel Szczesniak will play a few of his favourite works for solo piano.
Back by popular demand we again break for winter so that those of you who escape the cold can still enjoy our series in the spring!
March 17th – Keep Calm and Harp On! What’s better than a Harp to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! The very talented Charlene Wallace joins the series playing the instrument of the angels.
April 21st – More strings attached! Katie and Chris are joined by strings to perform great classical standards for strings with bassoon and strings with clarinet.
May 19th – Meet the concerto! Chris and Katie are joined by our favourite pianist posing as an entire orchestra! We’ll be talking about what goes into preparing to perform a concerto with an orchestra when you don’t actually have an orchestra at your fingertips… as well as playing of course!
Series information
All concerts will be at 5:00 pm at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 263 Victoria Street
Your $50 subscription gets you entry into all 5 concerts
Single concert admission is $15 at the door. Children shorter than a bassoon are admitted free!
Reserve your key tag today – email Chris at alfano@cogeco.ca or Katie at legerek@queensu.ca